Logo Symbolism
Current Simplified Version and Original Full Version Logo
Awakening Art with Bradford (arthur-BRADford KLEMMER) is a trademark of
ABK Vision Photography LLC , ©2025
Blue (Royal, Window Blue)
High Vibe, Purpose, and Integrity
Yellow (Bright, Manz Yellow)
Awareness, Enlightenment, and Zest for Life
Green (Velvet Leaf Green)
Resilience, Prosperity, and Growth
Checkerboard Wall (double shades of Grey, not Black and White)
Balancing internal forces of polarity (Grey alludes to Harmonizing. Restoration, and Well-being and adds better visual appeal than the stark dualistic contrast of Black and White)
Abstract Piece of Art
Self Portrait or that of the proverbial Divine Masculine
Circle (larger: macrocosm and smaller: microcosm)
The Spiritual plane of existence
Infinite and Dynamic (God's infinite and dynamic nature with no beginning or end, and likewise, the endless nature of the Human Soul).
The circle may also represent the Sun (source of light) and, likewise, the connection between (God/The All) Source Consciousness and the Christ/Unity Consciousness within each person.
Stability, Soundness, and the Physical plane of existence
the four stages of life: birth, growth, death, and rebirth, and
the four elements of organic matter: earth, air, fire, and water
Perfection (the perfection of God, the Universe, and the Human Soul, without being the perfectionism of ego)
Creation and Creativity
The Divine beauty and perfection inherent within all creation, as is.
All Seeing Eye
The Divine Consciousness (Cosmic/Source Consciousness) who rules over the Universe with Love, manifesting all nature according to the divine plan conceived within the mind of God and giving clear sight of realization to all those who seek divine wisdom
Heart (dotted line)
The Human Soul Acting with and within Divine Love (dotted line: alludes to the artistic collage of various symbols, cut and pasted together, as well as the heart acting as the bridge between each side of the spiritual veil)
All Seeing Eye and Heart combination
Heart & Brain (Mind) Coherence and holistic thinking
Fibonacci Sequence (Masculine Golden Ratio/ Feminine Golden Spiral)
The Universe is both Fractal (the same pattern of wholeness is found at various scales of physical objects and natural phenomena and in all scales from micro to the macrocosm (Principle of Correspondence) as we each inhabit a unique fractal point perspective of the whole, continuously zooming in to create the illusion of space and time) and Holographic (the wholeness of the Universe is present everywhere and within every entity, existing simultaneously as nontangible waves of potential and as particle matter, emerging from the Unified Field and decoded by the minds of the individual units of consciousness which comprise it)
Interconnectedness and harmony are found in nature and the Universe (the Universe is an interconnected collection of repeating patterns), psychologically (mentally/emotionally with the experiences one attracts or repels), and physically (galaxy clusters and individual galaxies, human cells, and entire humans, etc.)
All is in the All, and the All is in all. (Information of a space region is encoded within its boundary), as the inherent order and beauty of all creation.
As the spiral expands, it represents the unfolding of life's journey and the constant expansion, growth, and change of consciousness.
My Initials and My Signature, arthur-BRADford KLEMMER
Spiritually Modern, Digital Collage Artist and Mindset Coach
Current Version ©2025