“I Am the Thickness of the Vegetation and the Depth of the Path Within Myself” The Desert Abstraction Project
The Tucson Public Art Project
“Aluminum Cloud Seeding”
Artistic Ribbons for Geoengineering Awareness
Awakening Art with Bradford
arthur-BRADford KLEMMER
Collage Artist and Mindset Coach
New Art and Video Series
New Art and Video Series
Awaken the Divine Within
Masculine & Feminine Polarities
To help improve my essence of divine masculine energy, I am learning to cultivate the meanings of these words within myself. Plus, a few words to help release the shadow aspects of my ego. Whether you’re a guy or a girl or consider yourself masculine or feminine, the implications of living these words are guaranteed to yield you becoming a better man or woman in all your relationships with others and yourself. Join me in etymologically defining and artistically illustrating these words, which refer to either masculine or feminine characteristics and archetypes, often both of which, to one degree or another, comprise a holistically divine human being.
Polar energies of masculine and feminine exist within every person. They were typically more abundant with masculinity in men and femininity in women, each with both divine and wounded/shadow aspects. First, examine your family or culture to awaken the divine masculine or feminine aspects within yourself. Then, ask yourself what it means to be either masculine or feminine; depending on who you are, adopt and keep the positive traits you like and ditch the rest that make you feel insecure. Always love and accept yourself exactly as you are., as a unique expression of Divinity.
Some aspects of Divine Masculinity include Action, Forward-Moving Direction, Goal Oriented, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Strength, Focus, Generosity, Encouragement, Material Abundance, Clarity, Intellect, Authority (in its pure form), Transformation, Growth, and Fatherhood. The shadow or wounded side of masculinity includes fueling the societal idea of competitive hierarchy, vertical thinking that there can be one person on top, domination, and historical patriarchy.
Some aspects of Divine Femininity include Restoration, Life, Renewal, Creation, Birth, Healing, Receptivity, Openness, Nurturing, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Insight, Intuition, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Connection, Harmony, and Sensuality. The shadow or wounded side of femininity includes manipulation and the emasculation of men.
Love yourself and purchase a canvas giclee print.
Limited Edition Prints
A maximum of only 25 prints will be produced in three sizes on both Satin Canvas and Premium Enhanced Matte Paper. Once the artwork sells out, it will not be released again in that size and media. All prints include a Certificate of Authenticity, numbered, signed, and embossed with a corporate seal that documents its archival quality and sequential legitimacy. Certificate mailed separately.
Free Shipping
All prints are shipped using FedEx Ground and are sent straight from the printing company, Canvas Giclee Printing. If you're in Tucson, I would also love to meet with you to thank you, shake your hand, and sign your print. Your Certificate of Authenticity is shipped separately and directly from me with my handwritten signature. Please allow 1-2 weeks for printing plus 1 week for delivery. Due to possible supply chain and other issues, I cannot fully guarantee that exact time, though prints typically arrive within two to three weeks after project completion or print(s) ordered.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Up to one-year full refund, plus lifetime exchange for any same size, non-custom print; excludes shipping; must be returned in excellent condition. I will also replace any damaged item if returned within six weeks from the original purchase.
In this video, I share some image descriptions from my series "The Tucson Public Art Project" and talk about the quality of prints produced from them.
Ps. Love They Self - Love Yourself Like You're Not Waiting For Someone Else To Do It.
Alchemical Art Collection
This art series of mental alchemy contains the ancient wisdom of Natural Law and its relationship to spiritual mastery, self-improvement, and well-being. All seven principles, each with various aspects, work together and operate as the conditions that govern the consequences of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and deal with the micro and macrocosm of one's relationship to self and God/Source Consciousness/The All. Aesthetically depicted by Bradford, each conceptual design visually highlights the core attributes of each principle. Let these fundamental principles and all their many facets be a guidepost in your life and your conscious creations of manifestations. Instead of unconsciously living on autopilot with the results of lesser circumstances, one will gain better mastery over one's life as one understands how these principles operate and chooses to work with them with conscious awareness.
1- Mentalism: The All is mind; The Universe is mental. 2- Correspondance: As above, so below. As below, so above. As within, so without. As without, so within. 3- Vibration: Nothing rests; Everything moves and vibrates; Everything is energy. 4- Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has its poles, and everything has its pairs of opposites. 5- Rhythm: Everything flows out and in; Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything. 6- Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law; Chance is but a name for a law not recognized, aka karma. 7- Gender: Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine, yin and yang, inward and outward, active and passive forces. Gender manifests on all planes.
Read Principle Meanings and Art Descriptions: Comprehensive Guide for True Mental Alchemy
The Seven Hermetic Principles
Hermetic Principles
Coloring Book/ Workbook:
A Journey of Introspection and Creativity
This interactive workbook combines journaling prompts and coloring book exercises to help students internalize and apply the Seven Hermetic Principles. By engaging both left-brain logic (writing and reflection) and right-brain creativity (coloring and visualization), this workbook provides a balanced, immersive learning experience.
Each chapter focuses on one Hermetic Principle, offering:
✔ A simple explanation of the principle
✔ Journaling exercises for self-reflection
✔ Creative coloring pages with symbolic illustrations
✔ Practical exercises to apply the concept in daily life
Why This Workbook Works:
✅ Journaling for deep self-reflection and clarity
✅ Coloring for meditative absorption of the principles
✅ Practical Exercises for real-world application
This workbook allows students to experience the Hermetic Principles firsthand, making them not just philosophical ideas,
but living truths to embody in daily life.
Spiritually Modern,
Collage Artist and Mindset Coach
Wandering the desert in search of meaning, Bradford discovered his unique style of creating digital collage art in 2008. This journey culminated in the creation of an art portfolio titled "The Desert Abstraction Project." At that time, however, Brad was a very different person, without a clear life path, business plan, or a proper understanding of metaphysical concepts, only a spiritual connection with nature and a deep love for photography and art.
In 2013, Bradford began meditating regularly with Holosync, binaural beats, which led him to retitle the images and rewrite the bio of his desert portfolio. This meditation practice opened the door to new psychological insights and a deeper spiritual context, profoundly influencing his work. Over the years, this journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening became a core element of Bradford's art, reflecting the long and ongoing process of opening his heart and overcoming insecurities.
Recently, Brad has also felt inspired to explore life coaching, considering ways to integrate it with his custom art creations. While this direction is still taking shape, Bradford's art remains a deeply personal expression of his spiritual journey. If his work speaks to you, he invites you to listen, engage, and enjoy the experience it offers.
Mission and Vision Statement: “As a Spiritually Modern Collage Artist (not college artist) and Mindset Coach, I aim to positively transform people's lives with philosophy, psychology, and science by altering the digital canvas with stacked and blended imagery in Photoshop, along with creating inspirational videos through social media, and leading individual and group training. Please enjoy my current art portfolios and return later for coaching courses that are coming soon. I sincerely appreciate your interest and business: many blessings and all the best.” ― Brad Klemmer
The Desert Abstraction Project Bio
Human life is a spiritual quest for the soul, whether one chooses to accept it or not, or is even aware of it or not; this is my great acceptance, December 2013, the realization of my first spiritual awakening. Please question it with open-mined skepticism, as you should with everything. I mean everything. We all come from different backgrounds of knowledge, viewpoints, and social programming. Who's to say one religion is more valid than another? Surely there must be some common ground amongst them all, both Truth and fallacy alike. Perhaps what matters most is the personal connection one feels with the Divine Love that genuinely exists for and as everyone and everything.
I Am the Sonoran Desert of Tucson. Wandering aimlessly within myself, I am the relentless sun beating down upon me. My vegetation thickens, and my path deepens. I Am home to a unique species of life.
Continue Reading Bio
Whether you are for or against Geoengineering, are totally oblivious to it, or are in complete denial of it, Weather Modification literally is a major form of Climate Change.
Should we continue to let mad scientists and technocrats control the weather, or not? The arguments supporting geoengineering involve deliberately manipulating Earth's climate systems to counteract other occurring effects of climate change supposedly. Have you ever heard of this controversial topic before? Debates on geoengineering range from its secrecy and genuine intentions to its unintended consequences and potential global governance issues. People who know nothing about geoengineering yet gripe about climate change are truly missing half the picture. The subjects most threatening to those in power are usually the most censored and obfuscated. Most people never heard of it; others tend only to believe it if the Weather Channel says it, and so forth, as if mainstream media doesn't have a controlled agenda or the military doesn't have its top-secret projects; Yeah, right.
Believing that all jet trails are "contrails" is the equivalent of seeing your breath as a large cloud that continues to accumulate rather than quickly dissipate or linger as a lasting trail behind you. It doesn't matter how cold it is or what altitude, that never happens. Critically observe the shy for yourself: How wide does a CHEMTRAIL, "contrail," have to spread out before you mistakenly call it a cloud?...
The existence of this issue is not up for debate. The only honest discussion is whether we should continue letting governments and corporations modify the weather, especially when there has been no informed consent and no ingredient list presented to us. I am writing this not to argue with the shills who divulge such disinformation but as a countermeasure to inform those unaware or on the fence. God bless humanity.
20% OFF all prints offered and 20% DONATED to GeoengineeringWatch.org
At the bottom of the “shop now” page are also several documentaries, pdf documents, and keynote speeches, including a speech given at the United Nations by Rosalind Peterson of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, a conference headed by ex-military whistleblower Kristen Meghan, and much more. Please take this seriously and come to your own conclusions.