Seven Hermetic Principles: (Cliff Notes)
1- The Principle of Mentalism:
The All is Mind. The Universe is mental.
2- The Principle of Correspondence.
As above, so below. As below, so above. As within, so without. As without, so within.
3- The Principle of Vibration
Nothing rests; Everything moves and vibrates; Everything is energy.
4- The Principle of Polarity
Everything is dual; everything has its poles, and everything has its pairs of opposites.
5- The Principle of Rhythm.
Everything flows out and in; Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything.
6- The Principle of Cause and Effect
Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law; Chance is but a name for a law not recognized, aka karma.
7- The Principle of Gender
Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine, yin and yang, inward and outward, active and passive forces. Gender manifests on all planes.

Awakening the Divine Within
To help improve my essence of divine masculine energy, I am learning to cultivate the meanings of these words within myself. Plus, a few words to help release the shadow aspects of my ego. Whether you’re a guy or a girl or consider yourself masculine or feminine, the implications of living these words are guaranteed to yield you becoming a better man or woman in all your relationships with others and yourself. Join me in etymologically defining and artistically illustrating these words, which refer to either masculine or feminine characteristics and archetypes, often both of which, to one degree or another, comprise a holistically divine human being.

Seven Hermetic Principles:
1- The Principle of Mentalism:
The All is Mind. The Universe is mental.
2- The Principle of Correspondence.
As above, so below. As below, so above. As within, so without. As without, so within.
3- The Principle of Vibration
Nothing rests; Everything moves and vibrates; Everything is energy.
4- The Principle of Polarity
Everything is dual; everything has its poles, and everything has its pairs of opposites.
5- The Principle of Rhythm.
Everything flows out and in; Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything.
6- The Principle of Cause and Effect
Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law; Chance is but a name for a law not recognized, aka karma.
7- The Principle of Gender
Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine, yin and yang, inward and outward, active and passive forces. Gender manifests on all planes.

Endurance and Relaxation
Endurance is the ability to keep going, even when things are hard. It means pushing through challenges and not giving up when we feel tired or discouraged. Endurance builds strength. It shapes our character because every time we persevere, we become a little stronger, a little wiser.
Think of relaxation as a pause—a moment to breathe and reflect. Whether it's a short walk, deep breathing, or simply enjoying some quiet time, these moments of relaxation allow us to return stronger. They bring clarity and peace, which are vital for long-term success.

Daring means having the courage to take risks and face challenges head-on. Daring isn't about being fearless. It's about moving forward, even when fear is present.
We can apply this spirit of daring to our daily lives. Maybe it's daring to try something new, take on a challenge, or speak up for what we believe in. It could be as simple as daring to dream big or daring to trust in ourselves when things get tough.

Thinking, Feeling, and Knowing
Knowing with the mind is rational and analytical. It comes from learning through logic, reasoning, and experience. The mind processes facts, data, and truths.
Knowing with the heart is more about intuition and emotions. This type of knowing doesn't need logic. It often comes as a "gut feeling" or instinct.

Logo Symbolism
Logo Symbolism
Circle (larger: macrocosm and smaller: microcosm)
The Spiritual plane of existence
Infinite and Dynamic (God's infinite and dynamic nature with no beginning or end, and likewise, the endless nature of the Human Soul).
The circle may also represent the Sun (source of light) and, likewise, the connection between (God/The All) Source Consciousness and the Christ/Unity Consciousness within each person.
Stability, Soundness, and the Physical plane of existence
the four stages of life: birth, growth, death, and rebirth, and
the four elements of organic matter: earth, air, fire, and water
Perfection (the perfection of God, the Universe, and the Human Soul, without being the perfectionism of ego)
Creation and Creativity
The Divine beauty and perfection inherent within all creation, as is.

Spiral Dynamics
The colors used to represent the stages include Beige (survival instinct), Purple (tribal and magical thinking), Red (egocentric and power-driven), Blue (rule-based and authoritarian), Orange (individualistic and achievement-oriented), Green (communitarian and egalitarian), Yellow (integrative and systemic), and Turquoise (holistic and transcendent).

The Desert Abstraction Project
Human life is a spiritual quest for the soul, whether one chooses to accept it or not, or is even aware of it or not; this is my great acceptance, December 2013, the realization of my first spiritual awakening. Please question it with open-mined skepticism, as you should with everything. I mean everything. We all come from different backgrounds of knowledge, viewpoints, and social programming. Who's to say one religion is more valid than another? Surely there must be some common ground amongst them all, both Truth and fallacy alike. Perhaps what matters most is the personal connection one feels with the Divine Love that genuinely exists for and as everyone and everything.
I Am the Sonoran Desert of Tucson. Wandering aimlessly within myself, I am the relentless sun beating down upon me. My vegetation thickens, and my path deepens. I Am home to a unique species of life.

Spiritually-Modern or Misfit Metamodern Artist: Pondering My Post-Postmodern Philosophy
Source Consciousness is the fundamental plane from which all matter derives; we are each individuated consciousnesses of (God) that divine Source. There are many corresponding connections between the micro and macrocosms of self and the Universe and self and others.

Empathic Artist: Psychologically, My Technique
An empath refers to a person who has a heightened ability to understand and share the emotions and experiences of others. An empath refers to a person who has a heightened ability to understand and share the emotions and experiences of others. It is often described as the ability to feel and absorb the emotions, energy, and even physical sensations of those around them. Compiling the original imagery and constructing each new design, I transfer the feelings and moods of the subject I'm portraying and the general vibe of the environment.