Seven Hermetic Principles:

Principle Meanings and Art Descriptions

Comprehensive Guide for True Mental Alchemy
Written and Illustrated by arthur-BARDford KLEMMER

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The Principle of Mentalism:
The All is Mind. The Universe is mental.

You know how the writers of a good book, tv show, or movie create characters that come alive when you interact with them by reading or watching? And that through the writer creating them, all the characters are connected through their extension of that author? So, too, you are an extension of Source Consciousness and connected to everyone and everything else as one. Pause and think about how you can imagine in detail a whole world that seems so real within your own finite mind. What if I were to tell you that you are the character that your soul is experiencing within the infinite mind of God/ Source Consciousness/ The All? And that you are the main character of your own "choose your own adventure" movie, that is called your life?

This principle illustrates that the core fundamental of the Universe and everything in it exists as Source Consciousness, the fabric of all physical matter. We are each individuated consciousness within and a part of one higher Mind, Divine Consciousness, God, the totality of everything and all of existence. We are each spiritual beings having a human experience, as the Universe itself is Spirit existing as solidity.

Thoughts generate emotions, and emotions generate thoughts, which together form the behavior that produces the things and conditions we experience, personally and collectively. To create your life consciously, you must be aware of where you choose to hold your thoughts and emotions. Then, take the proper action accordingly. Know thyself; you can better manifest desired results as you understand your subconscious motives, fears, and desires.

This principle has two aspects: the first concerns The All, substantial objective reality, and the second concerns the individual and our subjective perceptions. It also views the mind as a three-part trinity: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the collective unconscious or superconscious mind. All three parts work together to connect the individual (the microcosm) and The All (the macrocosm).

Everything is energy and exists from a single substrate of thought. The fact that Spirit is all that is apparent is scientifically called the Unified Field. Even quantum physics reflects many of these metaphysical understandings. The infamous Double Slit experiment proves that the Universe is conscious, aware of our presence, and adjusts to our behavior; note the Observer Effect, that one's observations shape the reality one experiences. Physicality exists as two states of being: The second is the physical matter we experience. The first are intangible waves of potentiality, energy, or thought. Everything originates as this potentiality then pops into existence the moment it's observed by conscious awareness. Thoughts collapse the wave function, giving us the illusion that we're experiencing solid matter, though ultimately, everything we experience is just electrical signals the brain interprets.

One could, in their own egoicness, adopt a position of solipsism and chant I am God, or another, in their disbelief of God, state that we're all in nothing more than a meaningless simulational video game. Both are half-truths that fail to recognize the second principle, the law of correspondence. We're all gods and goddesses as part of, reflecting, and existing in a divine simulational reality: the mind of the actual capital G God, Source Consciousness (The All of all existence). "You are dwelling within the infinite mind of The All, and your possibilities and opportunities are infinite both in time and space." ― The Kabalian. We are all one within Divine Consciousness, and everything, if zoomed out to understand as a single point, is happening simultaneously. God is The All, and all is one within God.

Everything happening is a result of a mental/emotional state of being. You need first to change your thoughts to change your reality. To consciously manifest what you desire, you must sift through the distortions and misunderstandings filtered by your ego and positively align your perceptions as closely as possible with the Truth. You need to dive deeply into the void within yourself through meditation and mix intuition with the logic of contemplation. Then you will see reflected within yourself just as The All is mind; the thoughts and emotions we most dominantly think and feel will become the things and conditions we experience. The Principle of Mentalism exists individually in one's personal life and is also reflected in the aggregate of society as a whole, helping to manifest our shared consensus reality.

Consistent daily meditation will allow you to tap your subconscious and open new doors to a greater potential. The subconscious is the gateway to every reality we experience through our habitual expectations of perceiving the world. Though God (The All), in all its totality of infinite conscious awareness, is unknowable from our finite perspective of limited conscious awareness, we can access its wisdom through what's known as the collective unconscious or superconscious mind. One's subconscious mind is the link between one's conscious mind and the collective unconscious or superconscious mind of The All.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are manifesting all the time. Psychological shadow work is crucial to manifest what one prefers rather than what one does not. The more control one has over one's own mind to direct one's thoughts at will, the better mastery one will have over one's life and a more fulfilling one at that. So dive deep into your subconscious and do the work to purify your mind. Connect to the superconscious of The All to psychologically create the world you prefer. Mentally induce others to share in your positive vision and help co-create a better world for all, for The All. The All is mind, the Universe is mental.

The Principle of Correspondence.
As above, so below. As below, so above. As within, so without. As without, so within.

What if you had a special kind of mirror, one that, when you looked into it, you didn't see your current physical reflection, but rather the outcomes of choices you will make based on your current mental/emotional state of mind and the kind of person you are choosing to be? What facial expressions would you choose if you knew their effects would appear as your future reflection? Would you choose to smile, even on a bad day, if you knew that tomorrow would improve as a result?  

This principle refers to the relationship between the macrocosm, the very large or totality, and the microcosm, the very small or individual persons or units that comprise the whole. The Universe is both fractal and holographic, as each part reflects the whole and is self-similar across all scales. This universal mirroring holds true for our literal physical reality and each individual's perceptions and psychological reality.

The Universe is both Fractal (the same pattern of wholeness is found at various scales of physical objects and natural phenomena and in all scales from micro to the macrocosm as we each inhabit a unique fractal point perspective of the whole, continuously zooming in to create the illusion of space and time) and Holographic (the wholeness of the Universe is present everywhere and within every entity, existing simultaneously as nontangible waves of potential and also as physical particle matter, emerging from the Unified Field and decoded by the minds of each observer, the individual units of consciousness which comprise it) The only personal truth is what the subconscious mind is willing to accept, which becomes one's fractal point reality of lived experience.

For example, the Fibonacci Sequence (Masculine Golden Ratio/ Feminine Golden Spiral). Interconnectedness and harmony are found in nature and the Universe (the Universe is an interconnected collection of repeating patterns), psychologically (mentally/emotionally) with the experiences one attracts or repels, and physically with galaxy clusters and individual galaxies, human cells, and entire humans, etc. All is in The All, and The All is in all (Information of a space region is encoded within its boundary), as the inherent order and beauty of all creation. As the spiral expands, it represents the unfolding of life's journey and the constant expansion, growth, and change of consciousness. A few physical examples of this fractal sequence include solar systems compared to atoms, the Universe's formation compared to neurons, the Helix nebula compared to a human eye, and Fibonacci sequence patterns throughout creation.

Human existence has three planes: mental, emotional (spiritual), and physical. If one changes something on one plane of existence, it will have a corresponding effect on the others. All physical matter only exists as 0.000001% of reality (the outer world), whereas the spiritual (emotional) and mental planes constitute 99.999999% of reality, which is empty space/energy (the inner world). Emotion is energy in motion. The mental plane of thought and the spiritual plane of emotions/feelings can be summed up with the old adage: "Where focus goes, energy flows, and what you focus on grows." Reality first exists as intangible waves of probability before manifesting as "solid" physical matter.

It is imperative to maintain a healthy mental diet, including less negative and more positive influences concerning all forms of media and peer groups, keeping clean and organized physical spaces, feeling good or at least feeling better NOW, and using various shadow work and letting go techniques. Shadow work and letting go techniques clear out the energetic muck that keeps one anchored to lower frequencies. Breathwork can also be incredibly helpful in aiding shadow work and self-inquiry. The physical plane is essentially frozen imagination, and manifestations take much more time and effort to show up using only such brute force. Though just as you can positively affect the physical world with elevated thoughts and emotions, you can also affect the psychological world with uplifting techniques such as working out, singing and dancing, polar plunges and ice baths, massage, breathwork, ho'oponopono and letting go techniques, etc.

The Mirror Principle, an intricate part of the Law of Correspondence, states that the outer world follows the inner world. We are each at the center of our own Universe (you-niverse), coinciding with each other in a multiversal web, and each as a refractive point of reflection of the whole. Our perceptions manifest our reality through our core subconscious beliefs and most dominant thoughts and emotions. You must first change your inner world, and then your outer world will follow. What we directly experience on an individual level is primarily a reflection of how we feel about ourselves, how we treat ourselves, and how we think about and treat others. We attract into our lives the people and situations that we are an energetic match to by our subconscious beliefs, the thoughts and emotions we are most focused on, and our subsequent actions or inactions that follow. All things contain everything, and there is a mirrored relationship between each person and the cosmos and everything within it. With enough time, the more one can maintain a high state of vibration and momentum within one's inner world, the more the physical world will continuously elevate to higher manifestations as a result. Start by focusing on what you are grateful for, intentionally holding your attention using your ability of will, and the reality you experience will begin to change accordingly.

Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." ― The Lost Gospel of Thomas, Verse 3.

The Principle of Vibration
Nothing rests; Everything moves and vibrates; Everything is energy.

What if the pure acceptance of everything with love and the understanding that everything experienced is for one's own greater good is the way to gain true salvation and enlightenment? What if not only the physical atoms of material reality but also the psychological realm of thoughts and emotions were in a constant state of vibration, and the higher one's psychological vibration, the more enlightened one was, or the lower one's vibration, the more of a struggle one's life would be? How would you choose to operate mentally and emotionally?

The Universe has no actual solidity. Everything is energy vibrating at various rates and manifestations. All matter is merely energy in a state of vibration, such as the rapid movements of atoms and subatomic particles. Likewise, so too is the immaterial of thoughts and emotions. From the grossest forms of matter, whose rates of vibration are so low that they appear to be still, to that of pure Spirit, whose rates of vibration are so rapid that they also seem to be still. Similar to the appearance of stillness that you can observe within a moving's top or weal. Matter only exists as such when observed by a conscious being. When unobserved, everything actually exists as nonphysical waves of potentiality that instantaneously materialize upon conscious observation. The manifestation of material desires takes longer to show up in our lives than the visualizations and sensations of our thoughts and emotions because it is a denser rate of vibration, though only a different form of the same essential thing.

One can measure vibration on a scale of mental/ emotional energy ranging from high emotions of love, peace, and enlightenment to lower emotions of fear, guilt, and shame. Dr. David Hawkings and others have done scientific studies showing the correlations of such vibrations relative to one's psychological state of mind and kinesiology muscle testing. Dr. Hawkings created a scale widely used by many to measure one's energetic frequency from these tests. You can learn more about the Hawkings Scale in his book, titled "Letting Go." The better connected one is to higher states of emotion and thus Source Consciousness, the higher one's frequency will be. The lower the frequency, the more separation from Source they will seemingly feel. The higher one's thoughts and emotions, the more positive the reality they will experience, with better events, people, and opportunities presented. Source Consciousness (God) is the most high-frequency form of all existence.

Each person is surrounded by a toroidal electromagnetic field that circulates through the body chakras emanating from the heart and connecting our mental, spiritual, and physical planes of existence. Thoughts are electric; they send frequencies out to the Universe in the direction of one's true intentions. Emotions are magnetic; they receive the frequencies from the Universe, pulling in the energies of corresponding situations to our psychological vibrations.

Furthermore, the Principle of Vibration can also be seen as a scale that measures how accurately one's subjective perceptions align with objective Truth. While it is fair enough to say that we each have our own personal truth, which is essentially the individual reality or point of view we each experience, and that all realities exist simultaneously, there is still only one objective reality that contains and supersedes them all: that is what is. The closer one's subjective truth aligns with objective Truth, the higher vibration one will be so as not to suffer from delusions, including the toxic positivity of denialism and spiritual bypassing.

In summary, the more one combines these two measurements of accepting what objectively is with a mental/emotional state of love, peace, and enlightenment, the more one will operate at their highest possible vibrational frequency and thus manifest their best and most heavenly timelines of reality. The more one operates out of fear, guilt, and shame, the more one will be trapped in experiencing one's own dimensions of earthly hell. Point blank, heaven and hell are psychological states of mind that lead to tangible realities experienced on Earth, not make-believe places in the afterlife. "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You." ― The Bible, Luke 17:21

The Principle of Polarity
Everything is dual; everything has its poles, and everything has its pairs of opposites.

What if the opposite of everything was actually just a different variation of the same thing? What if the true message of Jesus was to see the Godliness within everything, inviting people to become Christ-like by accepting the world as is with harmony and compassion for everyone and everything? How would you choose to live your life if such peace was synonymous with salvation?

To understand polarity is to understand nondualism, which is to understand the fundamental holism of seemingly apparent opposites. By its very nature, the illusion of duality is that it's two halves of a whole, which is a return to unity. Opposites are identical in nature but differ by degree. All extremes meet, and all paradoxes may be reconciled. You can't have good without bad, black without white, up without down, heads without tails, or a one-ended stick, etc.

"The Force" of Good and Evil is a universal scale of polar energies. The ultimate force is Love as the entire polarity itself, for Love is the sum of both love and fear, light and dark, good and evil, etc. Love is all there is. Fear is the illusion created by the dualistic separation within the ego of the human mind. Ultimately, what is good expands consciousness and creates unity, and what is evil restricts it and causes separation and division. "There's nothing to fear but fear itself." ― Franklin D. Roosevelt.

While the friction of good versus evil is essential for new growth and development and for the expansion of consciousness to be possible, the more we each choose to shine a light on the dark, the more loving and joyous our outcomes will be. Good and bad are also value judgments based on subjective perceptions and personal preferences. What you might think is good, someone else might think is bad, and what you might think is bad, someone else might think is good. These are relative terms, and neither would exist without the other. Whether good, bad, or indifferent, the quality of circumstances one experiences derives from one's perspectives and acceptance or resistance to any situation.

(Authors note: This is probably the most sobering paragraph in this entire text, and it is debatable if I should keep it real enough to include it.) Furthermore, Christ-Consciousness, aka Unity-Consciousness, is to view the world as perfect and whole (holy) as is, with love, peace, and compassion for all of creation. In contrast, Luciferian-Consciousness is extreme separation and division, perpetuated through fear, guilt, and shame, creating the war paradigm of the "us vs. them" mentality. At its most extreme, this is seen as Dark-Luciferianism, which is high-level satanism (satanism is not the worship of a literal devil per se; rather, it's the worship of one's own ego) and the globalists of the New World Order or one world government vs. the Light-Luciferian, anti-satanic, spiritual anarchists (anarchist meaning one who does not believe in the master/slave dynamic of government), who take up the sword in righteous anger. To quote Jesus, "Those that live by the sword, die by the sword." ― The Holy Bible, Matthew 26:52. How we treat others is how we will eventually be treated ourselves because we are all one and all a part of the same Source Consciousness/ God/ The All. While we must hold those who create true evil in the world accountable for their actions, we also must have compassion for their humanity and not succumb to hatred and violence. Ultimately, "hurt people, hurt people." No one commits such crimes against humanity or any crime unless they're deeply wounded themselves, and bringing more hatred upon them will only keep the cycle of similar karma of such to be brought back to us. I know it's not always easy to feel that way, especially when triggered, but God has a plan for everything, and everything will work out exactelly as it's meant to for the good, growth, and expansion of all.

The Principle of Rhythm.
Everything flows out and in; Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything.

What if everything evolved in cycles like the continuous rotation of hands on an ever-changing clock? What if one could fall so profoundly in love with life that despite periods of success or struggle, most Mondays felt like Fridays, and 9 am most often felt like 5 pm? What if the more significant the failures one encounters, the greater their successes become possible, and the deeper and darker someone's wounds, the lighter and more loving their potential? What if such things are all a matter of one's perspective, and there is no such thing as failure, only experiences of success or learning? In any given situation, what perspective would you choose to adopt?

Rhythm is in everything, from the cycles of nature, society, and civilization to people's mental, emotional, and physiological states, various cycles of the human body, and, quite likely, the soul's reincarnation. We can see this every night and day, every spring, summer, autumn, and winter, as the life cycles of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. We can also see this throughout history with the rise and fall of governments, fads, and cultures.

Back and forth, the pendulum swings from one end of the cycle to the other. "The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates." ― The Kybalion. The further energy swings in one direction, the wider it can propel in the other. The only thing constant is change, and all change is cyclical. The pendulum swing manifests in everything.

Psychologically, the swing in one's life occurs on the unconscious or subconscious plane. The more consciously aware one is of such cycles, the more they can be the cause and the less they are at the mercy of its effects. With conscious awareness and proper use of the will, it is possible to polarize oneself at a specific energetic momentum and allow unserving energies to dissolve alchemically underneath. The definition of alchemy is essentially to make the best out of the worst. Using your will to control your mental and emotional state of being, you can rise above and overcome any challenging circumstance with awareness, acceptance, and release.

Regulating one's central nervous system is imperative for alchemizing onePsychologically, the swing in one's life occurs on the unconscious or subconscious plane. The more consciously aware one is of such cycles, the more they can be the cause and the less they are at the mercy of its effects. With conscious awareness and proper use of the will, it is possible to polarize oneself at a specific energetic momentum and allow unserving energies to dissolve alchemically underneath. The definition of alchemy is essentially to make the best out of the worst. Using your will to control your mental and emotional state of being, you can rise above and overcome any challenging circumstance with awareness, acceptance, and release.self to higher planes of existence. Nervous system regulation can be accomplished through deep breathing with long exhales, present moment awareness, EFT tapping, and meditation, along with proper sleep, regular exercise, and a clean and healthy diet, etc. The nervous system has two functions or states of being that must be aligned to the context of any situation: the sympathetic nervous system is one's fight-or-flight mechanism, while the parasympathetic nervous system is used for rest and digestion. In high-stress situations, one must calm one's body down for better critical thinking and mood regulation.

The Principle of Cause and Effect
Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law; Chance is but a name for a law not recognized, aka karma.

What if cause and effect not only had to do with Newtonian chain reactions in the physical world but also various physical effects starting from quantum causes in the psychological/spiritual world? What if the Universe objectively balanced all occurrences to keep each person's actions and consequences in check? How would this change your decisions by knowing how these cosmic rules dictate your mental, emotional, and physical alignment?

The Law of Balance and Harmony: The Universe maintains a constant balance between all three planes of existence, mental, emotional (spiritual), and physical, and keeps in harmony with all creation. For example, you consistently maintain high levels of emotion and consciousness, and your thinking also aligns with how you feel most of the time. If your current physical results are decent but don't reflect your inner world, you are out of balance. Balancing forces will come in and maintain equilibrium. The Universe is constantly testing you to see if you can handle the challenges of that which you desire without losing your positive attitude and momentum. "Trust the process," there is correspondence between all three planes. If you pass the tests, your prosperity will increase. If you do not, you either stay stagnant or lose more. Jesus said, "Whoever has something in his hand will receive more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has." ― The Lost Gospel of Thomas, Verse 41. You don't know what (God) the Universe has in store for you, so trust that it's all for your greater good, and good things will await you. Be in the gain, not the gap. Allow yourself to reset this universal balance by riding a higher plane of thoughts and emotions than you previously were to invite the presence of balancing forces intentionally, then pass the tests with conscious awareness to rebalance at a higher level of being.  

Objective morality: The Universe continuously rebalances itself according to our actions, beginning with the thoughts and emotions we emanate and the actions we take. Objective morality is an impersonal force; it doesn't care about your justifications. Its only job is to balance the scales in perfect harmony for all. The laws of karma could not work any other way. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." ― The Holy Bible, Matthew 7:1. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Golden Rule) ― the Bible in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12.

The plane of effects, the physical or manifested world, primarily constitutes what has already occurred. As such, there is little power to affect change because what has already happened cannot unoccur. It has become what is, which is objective Truth. While relative or personal truth serves its purpose through the principle of correspondence, the mirror principle, all truths are half-truths subordinate to the one overarching objective Truth (what is). The underlying cause is how we think and feel, which dictates our behavior. This radical mental/emotional self-responsibility is why meditation, contemplation, shadow work, and the forgiveness of self and others are all so important. The plane of causality, the spiritual/psychological world or the why, is where causes are primarily set into motion. One can learn and evolve future actions by observing the current effects on self and others and acknowledging and changing the spiritual/psychological causal factors that lead to one's choices.

The Principle of Gender
Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine, yin and yang, inward and outward, active and passive forces. Gender manifests on all planes.

What if each person has both masculine and feminine qualities that exist as an intrinsic part of how their mind functions? Furthermore, what if this binary dynamic had some traits that work best when appropriately balanced and others that become more dynamic when polarized to one side or the other?  

The left brain hemisphere primarily facilitates the masculine aspects of the mind, that of logic and intellect. In contrast, the right hemisphere primarily facilitates the feminine parts of the mind, intuition and wholism. Thoughts themselves are another masculine aspect of the mind, which we may call the "I," whereas the witness of the thoughts is the feminine aspect of the mind, which we may call the "Me." The more one can become the conscious witnesser of one's thoughts and emotions, the more one can consciously create one's life with intentional preference and proper discernment rather than unconsciously being run by one's thoughts on autopilot. Meditation is essential for synchronizing the left and right hemispheres and connecting them with the heart, making holistic thinking possible. Thoughts themselves are the masculine component. They are electric, sending out the signals of our deepest beliefs and habitual thinking. What we most think about then gets drawn back to us through the magnetism of the feminine component, our emotions. Consistency, staying conscious, and grounding oneself in the present moment further connects one to the witness within oneself, becoming the soul's observer of one's thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Gender can also be viewed as the two pillars of enlightenment, which are the feminine principle of nonaggression and the masculine principle of self-defense; Do no harm but take no shit. In other words, be peaceful, but don't be a pushover.

Characteristics of masculine and feminine exist within every person. They were typically more abundant with masculinity in men and femininity in women, each with both divine and wounded/shadow aspects. First, examine your family or culture to awaken the divine masculine or feminine aspects within yourself. Then, ask yourself what it means to be either masculine or feminine; depending on who you are, adopt and keep the positive traits you like and ditch the rest that make you feel insecure. Always love and accept yourself exactly as you are., as a unique expression of Divinity.

Some aspects of Divine Masculinity include Action, Forward-Moving Direction, Goal Oriented, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Strength, Focus, Generosity, Encouragement, Material Abundance, Clarity, Intellect, Authority (in its pure form), Transformation, Growth, and Fatherhood. The shadow or wounded side of masculinity includes fueling the societal idea of competitive hierarchy, vertical thinking that there can be one person on top, domination, and historical patriarchy.

Some aspects of Divine Femininity include Restoration, Life, Renewal, Creation, Birth, Healing, Receptivity, Openness, Nurturing, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Insight, Intuition, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Connection, Harmony, Sensuality, and Motherhood. The shadow or wounded side of femininity includes manipulation and the emasculation of men.

(Spiritually Modern Collage Artist and Mindset Coach, arthur-BRADford KLEMMER recently compiled over a hundred words describing the divine and wounded aspects of each gender in his current art portfolio and educational video series, in progress, "Awaken the Divine Within.")

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the philosophers stone: alchemical symbol

The wisdom, after passing from lip to ear for several thousand years before fictitiously being originally written as "The Kybalion," then lost over the centuries, "The Kybalion" was essentially rewritten in 1908 by an American new-thought and occultist author named William Walker Atkinson, penned as Three Initiates. The principles described are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, the mythical reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth, venerated as three times greater than the Greek god Hermes, contemporary of Abraham, founder of astrology, and discoverer of alchemy (psychological art of turning thoughts and emotions into spiritual gold).

Just as the word "occult" accurately means hidden, referring to esoteric (meaning inner-circle) spiritual knowledge, so to does the word "hermetic" mean hidden, referring to the protective containment of such higher wisdom from persecution, abuse, and dogma. "The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding." Likewise, "When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom" The Kybalion. These principles are the master keys to unlocking the Universe's secrets and many occult teachings.

These principles were first written down by the scribes of Alexander when the Greeks conquered Egypt in 332 BCE. Over a thousand years later, those writings resurfaced in the late Medieval and early Renaissance periods throughout Europe and the Middle East. They became the source material of gnostic works called "The Corpus Hermeticum" and "The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, " which, though more poetically abstract, were said to have inspired the creation of "The Kybalion.”

Beyond "The Kybalion" by Three Initiates, several more great resources for this and other related information that I'm sourcing and recommending are: (The Kybalion audio version)
"Letting Go" by David Hawkins
"Reality Transurfing" by Vadim Zeland
”Reality Transurfing” (audio version)
"The Holographic Universe" Michael Talbot
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle (Audio Version)
"The Gap and The Gain" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
"Psycho-Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz
"Psycho-Cybernetics” (Audio Version)
The Holy Bible
"The Lost Gospel of Thomas," scribed by Didymos Judas Thomas, translated by Thomas O. Lambdin | (“The Lost Gospel of Thomas” Audio Version)
Imagining 10 Dimensions - the Movie by Rob Bryanton (YouTube)
The Holographic Universe Workshop Series (YouTube) (Authors Note: Mark Passio is an ex-satanic preacher turned light luciferian preacher and is essentially a cult leader, so I would highly advise you not to follow him too closely as I once did years ago. Nevertheless, I did learn a few things of value from him.)
Last but not least, thanks to Holosync, binaural beats meditation program.
Also, thanks to a realization I had while on DMT.

Also, please follow Brad Klemmer's YouTube and other social media channels: @AwakeningArtwithBradford

Much Love, and God Bless Humanity,
arthur-BRADford KLEMMER
Spiritually Modern Collage Artist and Mindset Coach

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Awakening the Divine Within


Endurance and Relaxation