Spiritually-Modern or Misfit Metamodern Artist: Ponderings of My Post-Postmodern Philosophy
Note: what is was calling “Wakefulmodernism” I am now referring to as Spiritual Modernism.
Matamodern philosophy in art embraces a dynamic and nuanced approach, navigating the complexities of postmodernism and modernism. It seeks to integrate the skepticism and self-awareness of postmodernism with the renewed sincerity and optimism of modernism. Metamodernism encourages artists to engage with authenticity, navigating the tensions between irony and earnestness. Metamodernism acknowledges the fragmented nature of contemporary existence while actively engaging with grand narratives, emotions, and a sense of universal connectivity. Metamodernism encourages a synthesis of opposing ideas, pushing beyond the confines of irony to create both self-aware and earnest art, reflecting the intricate and evolving nature of the human experience in the 21st century.
Source Consciousness is the fundamental plane from which all matter derives; we are each individuated consciousnesses of (God) that divine Source. There are many corresponding connections between the micro and macrocosms of self and the Universe and self and others. Like the synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and, by extension, the brain's connection with the heart, so is the integration of logic and intuition along with grounded mysticism needed for holistic psychological development and spiritual awakening. Likewise, integrating cultural perspectives of postmodern, modern, premodern, and prior is necessary for the general prosperity of humanity and all life on Earth.
With inspiration ranging from the mysteries of ancient civilizations to the magick of animism, the esoterics of religion, and occult sciences to many disciplines of modern science and psychology, Wakefulmodernism is a term I made up so as not to be pigeonholed as a Modern Artist: Proper, Post, or Meta; the last, which I find equally as beneficially intriguing as possibly technocratically dangerous. Wakefulmodernism is about the spiritual awakening of psychological healing within society, not political wokeism. The aesthetics of Wakefulmodernism are rich with structure, substance, and symbolism, discovering our humanity to uncover our divinity. Its approach may be ironic, sincere, or a blend of both, depending on the contextual need to be more serious, playful, or sarcastic.
Wakeful modernism recognizes the positive attributes and shadowy sides inherent in both capitalism and socialism and seeks to reconcile them for the benefit of all. Wakefulmodernism holds faith in God, self, and humanity but reasonable skepticism of institutions of power. Wisdom states that we ought not to completely trust the State or a world government as many Metamodernists seem to suggest; governments, like corporations, banks, and religious institutions, can all be necessary organizations, though whose powers can also be dangerous and must be decentralized and held accountable by the people they serve and, by extension, others they also affect. The separation between Church and State and Corporate and State is fundamental to the freedom of the people, though promoting secularism instead of genuine spirituality open to the interpretation of the individual and their psychological development was a mistake carried since modernity and to be corrected for a more wholistic society. As a society, locally, nationally, and globally, in its eclectic array of manifestations, we are all individuals who form the aggregate whole; levels of collectivism are significant for humanity to co-exist peacefully; however, individualism is also essential for freedom to exist and society to thrive, along with bodily autonomy and the free expression of every person; no politically-correct or fascist censorship, free-speech cancelations, or forced vaccinations; "My body, my choice," regardless of occupation, etc. Beyond the wars of our egos, we are all, in essence, the All that is, different interpretations of the same Divine Love, and it would better serve humanity to all work together. Not all conspiracies are theories, though it does not serve the soul to dwell too deeply on them. Order Following is not a virtue; Virtue comes from following one's Conscience.
Wakefulmodernity pertains to humanity's ascension into higher levels of conscious awareness, "New Earth," the fifth dimension. Waking up is moving from unconscious to conscious awareness, from fear, division, and aggression into trust, unity, and non-dualism. Waking up is a process of shedding false socially programmed ideals and dialectics and the core transformation of one's inner being through the darkness of perceived separation into the light of union with Divine Love, Source Consciousness; it involves ego transcendence, shadow work, and self-love. As implied here, growing up is the empathetic, world-centric understanding that as individuated as we each are, we are also all one, equal in this world together, with awakening experiences relative to one's cultural and personal references.
Wakefulmodernism aims to create a more prosperous future with equal human rights for all people working with their cultural demands, meeting people where they're at, and setting the example to raise the consciousness of humanity and the quality of life on Earth. Freedom, equality, and prosperity begin at the ground level within every community and even deeper within the hearts and minds of each person. By accepting what one can not change, cultivating peace, love, and prosperity within, and bringing them into action and being, we can each establish greater abundance and help others do the same. Proper self-care is the first step to helping others and the world, including a healthy diet and exercise, meditation and ritual, study and contemplation; also recommended prayer and affirmations, yoga and qigong, etc. Be here now and live for the future that is ours to shine bright.
God bless humanity.
Arthur (Bradford) Klemmer, The Wakeful/ Misfit Metamodern Artist