Awaken the Divine Within

Masculine/Feminine Polarities
Word Characteristics

Awaken the Divine Within
Masculine/Feminine Polarities Word of the Week List

Below is over a hundred words describing the divine and wounded aspects of each gender. Please email me to let me know if I should make any corrections or add additional words. Thank you for your suggestions.

Ps. Read project blog post for additional information about the Alchemical Marriage, used to balance the masculine and feminine energies within oneself.

To help improve my essence of divine masculine energy, I am learning to cultivate the meanings of these words within myself. Plus, a few words to help release the shadow aspects of my ego. Whether you’re a guy or a girl or consider yourself masculine or feminine, the implications of living these words are guaranteed to yield you becoming a better man or woman in all your relationships with others and yourself. Join me in etymologically defining and artistically illustrating these words, which refer to either masculine or feminine characteristics and archetypes, often both of which, to one degree or another, comprise a holistically divine human being.

Polar energies of masculine and feminine exist within every person. They were typically more abundant with masculinity in men and femininity in women, each with both divine and wounded/shadow aspects. First, examine your family or culture to awaken the divine masculine or feminine aspects within yourself. Then, ask yourself what it means to be either masculine or feminine; depending on who you are, adopt and keep the positive traits you like and ditch the rest that make you feel insecure. Always love and accept yourself exactly as you are., as a unique expression of Divinity.

Some aspects of Divine Masculinity include Action, Forward-Moving Direction, Goal Oriented, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Strength, Focus, Generosity, Encouragement, Material Abundance, Clarity, Intellect, Authority (in its pure form), Transformation, Growth, and Fatherhood. The shadow or wounded side of masculinity includes fueling the societal idea of competitive hierarchy, vertical thinking that there can be one person on top, domination, and historical patriarchy.

Some aspects of Divine Femininity include Restoration, Life, Renewal, Creation, Birth, Healing, Receptivity, Openness, Nurturing, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Insight, Intuition, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Connection, Harmony, Sensuality, and Motherhood. The shadow or wounded side of femininity includes manipulation and the emasculation of men.

Please note this has nothing to do with transgenderism, aka gender dysmorphia, which I believe to be a real though extremely rare phenomenon that has been highly exploited and primarily socially engineered by political far-left wokeism. With all due respect to anyone who identifies as transgender, as no one can dictate the psychological experience of another, the question is whether those feelings are authentically natural or socially conditioned. Regardless, there are only two actual genders, along with those born as one of them who psychologically feel they are the other. Furthermore, it is grossly unethical to indoctrinate kids with such propaganda in school and, even worse, to encourage or allow miners to transition medically.

There is also both a war on masculinity and a war on the nuclear family for reasons of creating a submissive population owned and controlled by the marxist/fascist State. I myself have struggled with such issues of emasculation, which brought me to researching and contemplating what it even truly means to be a man. It's a tragic shame that popular American culture pushes the pussification of men along with the loss of the feminity of women, which I aim to rectify with this art portfolio. We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us. The more one can balance them as necessary but also polarize to one desired side, the more they can invite in romantic relationships of the opposite polarity. With all due respect to gays and lesbians and those with gender dysmorphia, I aim to help straight men become more masculine and women more feminine. However, no matter who you are, perhaps there's something in this series for everyone, as again, whichever side one decides to polarize towards, the more they can invite in romantic relationships of the opposite polarity.

Gender Dynamics

  1. M* Accountable (ity)

  2. M* Action (F* Intention)

  3. M* Action w/o the need to talk (F* Talking is Action)

  4. M* Accomplish (F* Driving-Force/ power behind things striving for)

  5. M* Adaptability

  6. M* Adventure (ous) (F* Passion (ate)

  7. M* Aggressive (M*wounded) (F* Compassion)

  8. M* Ambition (F* Experiencing)

  9. M* Articulate (F* Inspiration)

  10. M* Assertive (F* Passive) (Passive/Aggressive F*wounded)

  11. M* Authenticity (F* Emapth (y) or (ic)

  12. M* Athletic

  13. M* Authority (in its pure form) / Authoritarian (M*wounded)

  14. M* Bold (F* Humble)

  15. M* Boundaries (F* Infinite)

  16. M* Brave (ry)

  17. M* Brawny (F* Beauty (ful)

  18. M* Brutality (M*wounded) (F* Grace (ful-nes)

  19. M* Certainty

  20. M* Character (strength of character)

  21. *Charismatic (M&F w/ both F*Impression and M*Expression)

  22. M* Clear/ Clarity

  23. M* Commitment

  24. M* Communicative (tion)

  25. M* Comprehension

  26. M* Confident (F* Charm (ing)

  27. M* Conquering (M*wounded when done outwardly)

  28. M* Conscious Mind, The (F* Unconscious Mind)

  29. M* Containment

  30. M* Control over self (*wounded if over others)

  31. M* Consistency

  32. M* Container (ment) (F* Spaciousness)

  33. M* Courage (ous)

  34. M* Daring

  35. M* Decisive

  36. M* Self-Defense and Defenselessness (*context between physical vs. mental/emotional) (F* Non-Aggression)

  37. M* Dependable

  38. M* Destructive (tion) (M*wounded) (F* Beauty)

  39. M* Direct (tion-al)

  40. M* Discernment (ing) (F*wounded Judment (al)

  41. M* Discipline (F* Wild)

  42. M* Doing (F* Being)

  43. M* Dominating (tion) (F* Submitting (tion) (M&F*wounded in certain contexts)

  44. M* Durable (F* Sensitive (ity)

  45. M* Duty (F* Connection)

  46. M* Dynamic

  47. M* Encouragement

  48. M* Endurance (F* Relaxation)

  49. M* Eros Love (F* Agape Love)

  50. M* Exclusion (ive) (F* Inclusion (ive)

  51. M* External (F* Internal)

  52. M* Extroverted (F* Introverted)

  53. M* Expanding/ Expansion (F* Contracting/ Contraction (F*wounded)

  54. M* Expressive/ Expression (F* Receptive) (F* Inspiration or Impressionº

  55. M* Fatherhood (F* Motherhood)

  56. M* Fearless

  57. M* Focus

  58. M* Forceful (M*wounded)  

  59. M* Forward and Single Moving Direction (F* Muti-Focused)

  60. M* Frame (F*wounded Codependency)

  61. M* Generosity

  62. M* Giving (F* Receiving)

  63. M* Greed (M*wounded)

  64. M* Goal-Oriented

  65. M* Groundedness

  66. M* Growth (F* Birth)

  67. M* Grows through overcoming challenges (F* Grows through being praised/ feeling supported)

  68. M* Hardy

  69. M* Honesty

  70. M* Honor

  71. M* Humorous

  72. M* Illumination (F* The Void/ The Womb)

  73. M* Independent (ce) (F* Relational)

  74. M* Indomitable (F* Vulnerable (ility)

  75. M* Integrity

  76. M* Integration (F* Surrender)

  77. M* Intellect (F* Intuitive (tion)

  78. M* Intelligence (not just M* analytical, but also social, and F* emotional, and spiritual)

  79. M* King (Warrior, Magician, Lover)

  80. M* Leadership (F* Supportiveness)

  81. M* Life-Sustaining (F* Life-Giving)

  82. M* Linear (F* Cyclicle)

  83. M* Logical (F* Creativity)

  84. M* Loyalty (F* Devotion (ed)

  85. M* Material-Abundance (F* Spiritual-Awareness)

  86. M* Macho (M*wounded) (F* Modesty)

  87. M* Mighty (F* Humility)

  88. M* Muscular

  89. M* Nice (M*wounded) (F* Agreeable)

  90. M* Order (ly) (F* Wild)

  91. M* Organized (F* Free-Flowing)

  92. M* Outward (F* Inward)

  93. M* Patience

  94. M* Peace (ful) (F* Joy (ous)

  95. M* Penetrating (F* Yeilding)

  96. M* Perseverance

  97. M* Persistence

  98. M* Physicality (F*Energetic (ly)

  99. M* Powerful (F* Graceful)

  100. M* Predictable (ility)

  101. M* Problem-Solving

  102. M* Productive/ Produce

  103. M* Protector (ive) (F* Nurturer (ing)

  104. M* Provider (ing) (F* Receiver (ing)

  105. M* Purpose (F* Passion)

  106. M* Reasoning

  107. M* Reliable/ Self-Reliance

  108. M* Resilience (F* Gase (fulness)

  109. M* Respect

  110. M* Responsible (ility)

  111. M* Results-Focused (F* Process-Focused)

  112. M* Rough (F* Soft)

  113. M* Routine (F* Flexibility)

  114. M* Rugged (ness) (F* Elegance)

  115. M* Safety

  116. M* Security-Providing (F* Security-Seeking)

  117. M* Selflessness/ Selfless-Service

  118. M* Serious (F* Sweetness)

  119. M* Sexually Secure (F* Sensual)

  120. M* Steadfastness   (F* Cooperativeness)

  121. M* Solidly (F* Delecit)

  122. M* Stability

  123. M* Strategizing

  124. M* Strength (Strong- physical and mental) (F*wounded Victim-Mentality)

  125. M* Stoic

  126. M* Structure

  127. M* Systematic-Thinking

  128. M* Territorial

  129. M* Thinking/ Mind, the (F* Feeling and Knowing/ Heart, the)

  130. M* Tough (M*wounded) (F* Gentle (ness)

  131. M* Transformative (tion)

  132. M* Transparent

  133. M* Trustworthy

  134. M* Truth-Seeking

  135. M* Unapologetically-Masculine (Unapologetically-Yourself)

  136. M* Undaunted

  137. M* Understand (ing) (F* Orgasm/ total surrender to the moment)

  138. M* Valiance (t)

  139. M* Virile (ity) (F* Tender (ness)

  140. M* Vitality

  141. M* Vigilance (t) (F* Collaboration)

  142. M* Vigor (ous) (F* Affection)

  143. M* Violent (*shadow if not in defense or consented competition)

  144. M* Warrior (/Scholar) or Scholar (/Warrior) (F* Love)

  145. M* Willingness/ Will-Power (F*wounded Depression)

  146. M* Wisdom (F* Inecents)

  147. M* Work (F* Play)

Thank you and enjoy.