The Desert Abstraction Project
A Metaphysical Journey of Self-Discovery

I Am Spring - I Am Conscious Awareness Having This Experience

I Am Winter - I Am Conscious Awareness Having This Experience

I Am Autumn - I Am Conscious Awareness Having This Experience
![I Am the Sonoran Desert of Tucson, Arizona
[Spring 1]](
I Am the Sonoran Desert of Tucson, Arizona [Spring 1]
![I Am The Desert Spring of the American Southwest Wonderland
[Spring 2]](
I Am The Desert Spring of the American Southwest Wonderland [Spring 2]
![I Am the Thickness of the Vegetation and the Depth of the Path Within Myself
[Spring 3]](
I Am the Thickness of the Vegetation and the Depth of the Path Within Myself [Spring 3]
![I Am Home to an Amazing Species of Life
[Spring 4]](
I Am Home to an Amazing Species of Life [Spring 4]
![I Am the Physical and Metaphysical Planes of the Reality that I Experience
[Spring 5]](
I Am the Physical and Metaphysical Planes of the Reality that I Experience [Spring 5]
![I Am the Reincarnations and Renewal of My Individual Being, United as One with All, God, The All [Spring 6]](
I Am the Reincarnations and Renewal of My Individual Being, United as One with All, God, The All [Spring 6]
![I Am the Sixth Sense of My Mind’s Evolving Insight [Summer 1]](
I Am the Sixth Sense of My Mind’s Evolving Insight [Summer 1]
![I Am the Relentless Sun Beating Down Upon Me
[Summer 2]](
I Am the Relentless Sun Beating Down Upon Me [Summer 2]
![I Am the Warm Summer Night Breeze Swaying Past Me
[Summer 3]](
I Am the Warm Summer Night Breeze Swaying Past Me [Summer 3]
![I Am the Monsoon Rain that Nourishes Me
[Summer 4]](
I Am the Monsoon Rain that Nourishes Me [Summer 4]
![I Am the Desert, it’s Thirst and it’s Refreshment
[Summer 5]](
I Am the Desert, it’s Thirst and it’s Refreshment [Summer 5]
![I Am the Sunrise of Each Bright New Day I Experience
[Summer 6]](
I Am the Sunrise of Each Bright New Day I Experience [Summer 6]
![I Am the Moonset, Acknowledging, Accepting, Reconciling and Growing From Past Mistakes [Autumn 1]](
I Am the Moonset, Acknowledging, Accepting, Reconciling and Growing From Past Mistakes [Autumn 1]
!["I Am the Rains of Emotional Release, Replenishing both Empathy and Self-Care [Autumn 2]](
"I Am the Rains of Emotional Release, Replenishing both Empathy and Self-Care [Autumn 2]
![I Am the Colorful Sunset that Fills My Soul with Vivid Passion
[Autumn 3]](
I Am the Colorful Sunset that Fills My Soul with Vivid Passion [Autumn 3]
![I Am the Appreciation of Both the Love and the Fear that I Experience
[Autumn 4]](
I Am the Appreciation of Both the Love and the Fear that I Experience [Autumn 4]

I Am My Own Individual Self of Human Ego and My Higher Self of Spiritual Unity [Autumn 5}
![I Am the Hero’s Journey I Take to Discover My Own Purpose and Reason for Being
[Autumn 6]](
I Am the Hero’s Journey I Take to Discover My Own Purpose and Reason for Being [Autumn 6]
![I Am the Arizona Dreams of a Snow Covered Christmas, Regardless of My Interpretation of that Called Christ [Winter 1]](
I Am the Arizona Dreams of a Snow Covered Christmas, Regardless of My Interpretation of that Called Christ [Winter 1]
![I Am the Long Drought & the Hard Rain to Follow that Quenches My Parched Soul of Illusionary Separation [Winter]](
I Am the Long Drought & the Hard Rain to Follow that Quenches My Parched Soul of Illusionary Separation [Winter]
![I Am Nonphysical Spiritual Energy, Imbued with Divine Consciousness
[Winter 3]](
I Am Nonphysical Spiritual Energy, Imbued with Divine Consciousness [Winter 3]
![I Am the Pathfinder of My Own Dreams and Destiny [Winter 4]](
I Am the Pathfinder of My Own Dreams and Destiny [Winter 4]
![I Am Man’s Force Opposite His/Her Own Violence & Man’s Freedom Opposite His/Her Own Tyranny [Winter 5]](
I Am Man’s Force Opposite His/Her Own Violence & Man’s Freedom Opposite His/Her Own Tyranny [Winter 5]
![I Am Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of My Own Happiness, As I Create My Own Reality [Winter 6]](
I Am Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of My Own Happiness, As I Create My Own Reality [Winter 6]

I Am Winter - I Am Consciousness Awareness Having This Experience

I Am Autumn - I Am Consciousness Awareness Having This Experience

I Am Autumn - I Am Consciousness Having This Experience
Canvas Prints
The Desert Abstraction Project
Human life is a spiritual quest for the soul, whether one chooses to accept it or not, or is even aware of it or not; this is my great acceptance, December 2013, the realization of my first spiritual awakening. Please question it with open-mined skepticism, as you should with everything. I mean everything. We all come from different backgrounds of knowledge, viewpoints, and social programming. Who's to say one religion is more valid than another? Surely there must be some common ground amongst them all, both Truth and fallacy alike. Perhaps what matters most is the personal connection one feels with the Divine Love that genuinely exists for and as everyone and everything.
I Am the Sonoran Desert of Tucson. Wandering aimlessly within myself, I am the relentless sun beating down upon me. My vegetation thickens, and my path deepens. I Am home to a unique species of life.
Eat Me, Drink Me, Read Me; I Am the trailhead signpost. Spirituality is an individual journey every person must take or cease to question existence at all. "Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness:" life and reincarnation are the plights of the individual Mind, Body, and Soul. The reason is to write and fulfill one's chosen destiny, working through challenges to overcome obstacles. This growth gives rise to finding one's life purpose through the meanings one chooses to assign and the perspectives one takes.
I begin my walk. I Am this distinctly abundant desert, chasing the white rabbit of self-discovery. I Am the sacred transformation: the snake shedding its skin, the caterpillar becoming the butterfly. I Am the American Southwest Wonderland: the Sonoran Desert, the human mind, a pinpoint of attention within the infinite mind that is The All.
Metaphysically we are all One with God, The Divine Universe: I am that I am, Mind, Body, and Soul. We are all essentially the many faces, personalities, and experiences of one infinite energy wave of Consciousness beyond all physical reality. The Universe is mental; The All is mind; the Principle of Mentalism (Not Solipsism, Nor Scientism) is philosophically understood and scientifically proven through the Double Slit Experiment in Quantum Mechanics. Everything is Consciousness, simultaneously exiting in two deferent states: 1- that of physical material and energetic potential, 2- which automatically fluctuates to give the impression of permanent solid matter, as the human mind perceives the external world around it.
The FIVE-SENSE ILLUSION: There is much more to the Universe than we could ever discover using only our five senses. The fundamental core of everything is Consciousness, which manifests into vibration, forming the solid matter we experience as physical reality. When unobserved by a conscience being, everything exists as Non-physical Waves of Potentiality. These intangible waves of information instantaneously materialize upon conscious observation. This principle is called WAVE PARTICLE DUALITY, proven repeatedly with the infamous Double Slit experiment. This Universe exists in two general states: 1- Infinite Consciousness, the non-physical waves of energy (Thought) having the potential for physical existence, 2- the Physical or Particle Assembly of each existing Atom. All matter only exists as experienced when observed by a conscience being (person, animal, etc.) When unobserved, the Universe exists solely in its fundamental state of intangible waves of potential physical existence. This essential core is genuinely the Spiritual Plane of existence. In eastern and certain western philosophies, this etheric field is referred to as Prana or Akasha. Scientists refer to this non-physical realm as The Unified Field, The Field, or Field Theory. (Reference, John Hagelin, Ph.D.) However, Scientism is essentially the religion of materialism. It will never be completely accurate in its analysis of the world because one cannot measure non-physical essence. We are Not like the Simms, as suggested by the Multi Worlds Theory. That, like Solipsism, is just bad philosophy.
The Universe is a mental, holographic fractal of divine infinite Consciousness, logically existing as part of an Omniverse of eleven dimensions and multiple universes in its possible theoretical totality. The Universe/Omniverse is a timeless ensemble and cosmic mental projection of all its existence. We are each the individuated Consciousnesses of the Universe, essentially interconnected and coalescing universal bubbles of probable outcomes existing within the fifth dimension. Where we are is based on the decisions we each make in any given moment and the effects of those decisions relative to all other possible actions/ inactions willfully taken. Our choices vibrationally match us to corresponding situations, people, and lessons that we karmically encounter. The results we experience merge as The Unified Field of all possible outcomes for all people, in what is theoretically the sixth dimension. Reference- Imagining 10 Dimensions - the Movie There is a direct correlation between the microscopic minds of each and all higher thinking sentient beings and the macroscopic, universal Mind of The All existence. The Principle of Correspondence encompasses individual and collective consciousness in the aggregate, balancing the karmic wheel of objective morality with the Divine Consciousness of all existence. "As above, so below."
God spoke the Universe into physical existence with subatomic vibration through sound and light energy fundamental to all matter. This vibration continues to permeate the Spiritual Matrix we physically perceive as solid matter. As you read "I Am" this or "I Am" that, know that I am, as we each are, whole as a part of The All that is everything. We each an individual expression of Divine Consciousness, as complete divine sovereign beings; authentic electromagnetic energy fields; a cosmic mental projection, likened to The Unified Field of non-tangible waves of its potential existence. We only perceive the physical vibration of subatomic particles creating the illusion of solidity we call physical reality.
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, what religion you grew up with or chose to adopt, or don't, your FAITH within your religion, moreover, connection WITHIN YOURSELF probably fills your heart with a great sense of love, peace, and compassion. At least it should. So why is God so controversial?
LOVE IS the only true essence of GOD; all else is Man's illusion of Ego based separation from Source. Fear is without God, and Love is God. There is no reason ever to fear God. With patients, grow to love and accept others who they are as individual self-sovereign beings. We are all equally divine and human regardless of one's beliefs, spiritually, politically, or otherwise. Each person encountered is a slight reflection of oneself or the conditions of society in the aggregate. We translate basic human emotions shared between one another, perceived and filtered through the mind. We also transmit wave frequencies of sub-conscience energy through the feelings we dwell upon with intensity behind them.
FEAR is opposite LOVE, which are the parameters of conscious physical experience; violence is opposite freewill; tyranny is opposite freedom. Learn to love others; accept and respect each person's liberty. As physical beings, we can never truly appreciate one without the other. Life is a continuous game navigating between the two. There must be a counterbalance to have any frame of reference or bases of comparison for anything to exist: Hot & Cold, Light & Dark, Left & Right, Good & Bad, Joy & Pain, Hope & Disappointment, Peace & War, etc. As physical beings with higher reasoning, we experience a broad range of emotions. If one can master an appreciation for this counterbalance, life struggles don't seem so bad. They are all experiences necessary for the growth and evolution of your soul's more significant expansion.
Our lives become what we create them to be through our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. To escape the pain of past or present, integrate the shadow within, complete self-acceptance. Then seek personal fulfillment, self-awareness, and spiritually, psychologically, practically, and prosperity. Enjoy each moment just as it is in the present. Sett and achieve personal goals to create an even better future for self and others.
May we each choose freely to create a world abundant with prosperity, peace, and love without the violence of any self-serving elitist authority. All things originate in the mind. Thoughts are the creative force of the Holy Trinity, the esoteric Christian symbolism of the Father. Emotion is the feminine force, the empathy one holds for another, and the reason one chooses to care about whatever one does, guided by the body's heart and the heart chakra of one's electromagnetic field. The human Will of the Soul is the Holy Spirit, the connection between thought and action. Thoughts and emotions unite, driving the will to act. Action is the masculine force, the change from one state to another, the symbolic Son.
We each are an embodiment of God. God became each of us, so I, you, each person, and all life to know itself in physical form as the spiritual unity of individual souls, in personal living flesh, as the sum of all material and etheric existence. Being out in nature, I always feel a closer connection with God as The Divine Universe. Finally, I came to a clearing in my sharp cactus thorns within, where the road of understanding forked between The Higher Self and The Ego. Who am I, what am I, where am I? I began to realize the beauty of my particular desert trail and how grateful I was to discover it
I'm done with feeling frustrated over things I can't control. To the degree I am willing and able to, I let everything be okay. All I can control is how I choose to feel, act and respond to any given situation. Only I can manage how I Feel, Act, and Respond; those decisions are mine and mine alone. It never did matter to me, the spiritual beliefs of another. However, years ago, I often lost control of my emotions to anger and sadness from lacking self-love and needing emotional codependency. I was also one to fall prey to the divide and conquer techniques of the two-party illusion.
Observing and Analyzing this vast desert for knowledge of Self, Spirit, and Spiritual Unity, I fell into the proverbial rabbit hole. Quantum Physics. is the study of the building blocks of matter, subatomic particles of vibrating energetic potentiality. Looking back, so many random half-hidden signs of synchronicity, I don't know why I didn't notice sooner. I will never view nature, the Universe, or "reality" the same way again. I always believed God Is Everywhere and Everything, or so I thought. Though I never understood what that truly meant until I continued to wander along this path and ponder all I began to discover, then rested my conscious mind along with the monsoons of intuition and insight.
We are each on our spiritual paths, and each course is synchronistic and connected. Regardless of the struggles we each face, there truly is an interconnected reason for everything. Have Faith in whatever You do. In my opinion, your FAITH IN GOD IS the TRUST you place IN YOU.
Enjoy and make the most of each moment you experience. Continuously set and meet goals. For one's greater purpose, fulfillment, and enjoyment, live for both the moment and the future, but never the past. Though this world may only be an illusion, your thoughts create your feelings, which dictate your actions or inactions, making the results you experience. Let go of the external things you can not control. Take committed action toward the improvement of things you can control about yourself.
I Am My Mind, The Sonoran Desert of Tucson. I believe in myself and follow my logic and my intuition. I focus on what I want in life and who I want to be. Chapter by chapter, I continue to grow and become all the greatness I already am and was always meant to be.
These are My Dreams, The American South West Wonderland, The Sonoran Desert, Pima County, This State of Arizona, The United States of America, Planet Earth/ Mother Gaia, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Unified Field of Divine Consciousness.
Special thanks to my loving family, blood family, and soul family. Many thanks to great friends and my business coach Barbara. Best wishes and much love to each and all.