The Tucson Public Art Project- Vol.2
The Greater Tucson Area

Solar Illumination

Star Light

Welcome to the 520





Artificial External-Control

Natural Self-Sovereignty

Knowledge is Liberation

Know They Self

Internal Resolution



Playful Pop





Will Power



Love They Self - “Love Yourself Like You're Not Waiting For Someone Else To Do It.”

The Healing Process of an Empath

The Alchemical Marriage

Triple Super-Moon Light
Premium Paper Prints
The Tucson Public Art Project- Volume Two
The Greater Tucson Area
The Tucson Public Art Project is a three-part series, remixing my photographs of the many murals, sculptures, and masonry structures throughout Pima County. It's a spiritual journey dedicated to local artists, individualism, and community. Tucson is my hometown and a great place for others to visit. This city has long inspired my artistic endeavors with its eclectic array of public art. It is now portrayed through my own story as it corresponds to society's humanity and Divinity. I intend for locals and tourists alike to feel a sense of nostalgia while recognizing specific places within each design. I plan to inspire you with a whole new way of seeing both themselves and the world.
Volume One:
Interstate 10- is an introduction to local Tucson art, as if the viewer just arrived to exit most any freeway off-ramp and discover a new world of artistic expression. It explores various levels of truth and perception relative to the art we produce, view, and reflect. It searches to find the intended meanings behind the art, from which we each find personal meaning. Unlike the following chapters, "Interstate 10" gives a journalistic view by researching and revealing the actual intentions of the original art that I’ve photographed and remixed. To maintain the integrity of original intent, I focused directly on consistent details and the most prominent aspects of each sculptured mural. Welcome to Tucson's own public drive-through art gallery.
Volume Two:
The Greater Tucson Area- portrays many concepts of spiritual awakening relative to my journey and the process of awakening/ psychological healing that we all may go through. It reveals the microcosm of Self, the dreams we imagine, and the events we create relative to the macrocosm of Divinity, and the spirit that drives us and energies that guide us. I have spent several years traveling nearly everywhere around town, taking photographs of others' creations. I've included Marana, Oro Valley, and Catalina Foothills down to the South and East sides. This portfolio is Pima County's remixed reflection of who we are azs the aggregate of this community and the world at large.
Volume Three: (Coming Eventually)
Downtown- will consist of much the same as "The Greater Tucson Area." However, the topic will expand to pose new questions in light of fresh discoveries made. The subjects of this chapter will include what enlightens us as human beings, unites us as Tucsonans, and makes us unique as individuals within the whole of Divine Consciousness. Downtown is the heart of Tucson, the representation of the nature of our divine humanity.