How’s the Weather Out There?
Artistic Ribbons for Geoengineering Awareness
The number one most censored and gaslit topic by the mainstream, more so than the over-exaggeration of covid-19 and the health risks of those vaccine

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #1

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #2

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #3

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #4

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #5

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #6

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #7

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #8

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #9

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #10

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #11

Geoengineering Awarness Ribbon #12
At the bottom of this page are also several documentaries, pdf documents, and keynote speeches, including a speech given at the United Nations by Rosalind Peterson of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, a conference headed by ex-military whistleblower Kristen Meghan, and much more. Please come to your own conclusions.
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Because I have the utmost respect for those who expose Geoengineering and very little for the shills who argumentatively deny its occurrence, please enjoy 20% OFF all prints offered below.
Use Code RIBBON2020
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Whether you are for or against Geoengineering, are totally oblivious to it, or are in complete denial of it, Weather Modification literally is a major form of Climate Change.
Should we continue to let mad scientists and technocrats control the weather, or not? The arguments supporting geoengineering involve deliberately manipulating Earth's climate systems to counteract other occurring effects of climate change supposedly. Have you ever heard of this controversial topic before? Debates on geoengineering range from its secrecy and genuine intentions to its unintended consequences and potential global governance issues. People who know nothing about geoengineering yet gripe about climate change are truly missing half the picture. The subjects most threatening to those in power are usually the most censored and obfuscated. Most people never heard of it; others tend only to believe it if the Weather Channel says it, and so forth, as if mainstream media doesn't have a controlled agenda or the military doesn't have its top-secret projects; Yeah, right.
Believing that all jet trails are "contrails" is the equivalent of seeing your breath as a large cloud that continues to accumulate rather than quickly dissipate or linger as a lasting trail behind you. It doesn't matter how cold it is or what altitude, that never happens. Critically observe the shy for yourself: How wide does a CHEMTRAIL, "contrail," have to spread out before you mistakenly call it a cloud?...
The existence of this issue is not up for debate. The only honest discussion is whether we should continue letting governments and corporations modify the weather, especially when there has been no informed consent and no ingredient list presented to us. I am writing this not to argue with the shills who divulge such disinformation but as a countermeasure to inform those unaware or on the fence. Please come to your own conclusions. God bless humanity.
The Dimming, Climate Engineering Documentary
"What in the World Are They Spraying?" Chemtrails, Geoengineering Documentary
"WHY in the World Are They Spraying?" Weather Control is the Climate Hoax
Rosalind Peterson addresses the UN on Chemtrails and Geoengineering
Ex-Military Whistleblower ~ Kristen Meghan
Weather Modification And The U.S. Military trying to control the world weather: Turkey Earthquake
Global warming and ice ages: I. prospects for physics- based modulation of global change
Chemtrails Are Not Contrails - Radiometric Evidence
Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025
Source Material and Special Thanks:
Even Bob Ross knows that real happy little clouds
don’t come in straight fucking lines.
If you're going to wear a ribbon, make it one that brings awareness for actually creating real change, not just another pointless cliche.